Those Who Will Not See Him!
Zacharias Tanee Fomum
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I remind you that only the pure in heart will see Me. Again, I remind you that only the pure in heart and deed have a place in the Holy City. I command you to wash your garment in my Son’s blood and be for ever spotless in all things. I insist that you shall labour with all the strength which My Spirit mightily inspires within you to be pure and holy in motive, thought, look, touch, desire, word, deed, in everything.
Without this kind of holiness and purity, you shall not see Me. I say very clearly to you and to all who are Mine that without this kind of holiness and purity, none will see Me. In the glorious Kingdom of My Holy Son, I will not cast My eye on anything that is spotted.
You are to put everything into being holy. You should prefer to die and come home to Me rather than practise sin in any way. You should rather allow My work that I have put into your hands to suffer than practise or commit any sin to advance it. Have you heard Me? I am saying that you are to be transparent in everything.