Lois Du Succes Spirituel (volume Un)

Lois Du Succes Spirituel (volume Un)

Zacharias Tanee Fomum


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 Dans les messages suivants, nous allons examiner le succès du point de vue de Dieu. Nous allons examiner le succès selon ce que Dieu appelle succès et non selon ce que le monde appelle succès. Nous allons considérer le succès tel que Dieu l’approuve dans le temps et tel qu’Il l’approuvera au Tribunal de Christ. Nous refusons d’appeler succès toute chose quelconque qui n’aura aucune valeur au-delà du temps qui passe. Nous refusons d’appeler succès ce qui frappe le regard de l’homme, mais ne frappe pas le regard de Dieu. Nous refusons d’appeler succès ce qui satisfait les standards de l’homme, mais échoue au test de Dieu. Nous entendons par succès ce qui est approuvé par Dieu, commençant dans le temps et continuant dans l’éternité.

En tant que croyants au Seigneur Jésus, nous sommes des créatures de l’éternité, passant du temps dans le temps afin de nous préparer pour l’évaluation et la récompense après le passage du temps, c’est-à-dire dans l’éternité. Par conséquent, ce que le Seigneur Jésus pense et dit maintenant est absolument important, et par-dessus tout, ce qu’Il dira ce Jour-là aura une importance au-delà de ce qu’on peut dire.

La Bible dit : « Selon la grâce de Dieu qui m’a été donnée, j’ai posé le fondement comme un sage architecte, et un autre bâtit dessus. Mais que chacun prenne garde à la manière dont il bâtit dessus. Car personne ne peut poser un autre fondement que celui qui a été posé, savoir Jésus-Christ. Or, si quelqu’un bâtit sur ce fondement avec de l’or, de l’argent, des pierres précieuses, du bois, du foin, du chaume, l’œuvre de chacun sera manifestée ; car le jour la fera connaître, parce qu’elle se révélera dans le feu, et le feu éprouvera ce qu’est l’œuvre de chacun. Si l’œuvre bâtie par quelqu’un sur le fondement subsiste, il recevra une récompense. Si l’œuvre de quelqu’un est consumée, il perdra sa récompense ; pour lui, il sera sauvé, mais comme au travers du feu. » (1 Corinthiens 3 :10-15)

Dans le monde, les gens regardent le succès principalement sur la base de ce qu’une personne a fait. Ce qu’elle est est d’une importance secondaire. Dans le Royaume de Dieu, ce qu’une personne est est d’une importance cruciale, et ce qu’elle fait n’est que le débordement de ce qu’elle est. Dieu considère le succès premièrement du point de vue de ce que nous sommes, et ce n’est qu’en second lieu, qu’Il le regarde du point de vue de ce que nous faisons. Ce qu’une personne qui est correctement reliée à Dieu fait et ce qu’une autre personne qui est hors de communion avec Dieu fait sont deux choses éloignées l’une de l’autre par des kilomètres. Ainsi, pour le succès devant Dieu, il faut que la personne soit correcte, que ses actes soient corrects et que ses motifs soient corrects. Ainsi, la personne qui a fait une chose, ce qu’elle a fait et pourquoi elle l’a fait, sont déterminants.


Zacharias Tanee Fomum:

 Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum was born in the flesh on 20th June 1945 and became born again on 13th June 1956. On 1st October 1966, He consecrated his life to the Lord Jesus and to His service, and was filled with the Holy Spirit on 24th October 1970. He was taken to be with the Lord on 14th March, 2009.

Fomum was admitted to a first class in the Bachelor of Science degree, graduating as a prize winning student from Fourah Bay College in the University of Sierra Leone in October 1969. At the age of 28, he was awarded a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry by the University of Makerere, Kampala in Uganda. In October 2005, he was awarded a Doctor of Science (D.Sc) by the University of Durham, Great Britain. This higher doctorate was in recognition of his distinct contributions to scientific knowledge through research. As a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon, Fomum supervised or co-supervised more than 100 Master's Degree and Doctoral Degree theses and co-authored over 160 scientific articles in leading international journals. He considered Jesus Christ the Lord of Science ("For by Him all things were created..."
- Colossians 1:16), and scientific research an act of obedience to God's command to "subdue the earth" (Genesis 1:28). He therefore made the Lord Jesus the Director of his research laboratory while he took the place of deputy director, and attributed his outstanding success as a scientist to Jesus' revelational leadership.

In more than 40 years of Christian ministry, Pr Fomum travelled extensively, preaching the Gospel, planting churches and training spiritual leaders. He made more than:
* 700 missionary journeys within Cameroon, which ranged from one day to three weeks in duration.
* 500 missionary journeys to 70 different nations in all the continents. These ranged from two days to six weeks in duration.

Pr Fomum was the founding team-leader of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI); an evangelism, soul-winning, disciple making, Churchplanting and missionary-sending movement with missionaries and churches in 65 nations spread across Africa, Europe, the Americas, Asia and Oceania. In the course of their ministry, Pr Fomum and his team witnessed more than 10,000 recorded healing miracles performed by God in answer to prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. These miracles include instant healings of headaches, cancers, HIV/AIDS, blindness, deafness, dumbness, paralysis, madness and new teeth and organs received.

Pr Fomum read more than 1350 books on the Christian faith and authored over 150 books to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 5 million copies of these books are in circulation in 12 languages as well as 16 million gospel tracts in 17 languages.
Pr Fomum was a man who sought God. He spent between 15 minutes and six hours daily alone with God in what he called Daily Dynamic Encounters with God (DDEWG). During these DDEWG he read God's Word, meditated on it, listened to God's voice, heard God speak to him, recorded what God was saying to him and prayed it through. He thus had over 18,000 DDEWG. He also had over 60 periods of withdrawing to seek God alone for periods that ranged from 3 to 21 days (which he termed Retreats for Spiritual Progress). The time he spent seeking God slowly transformed him into a man who hunGermaned and thirsted for God. He aspired to become a man who hunGermans, thirsts and gasps after God.

Pr Fomum was a man of prayer and a leading teacher on prayer in many churches and conferences around the world. He considered prayer to be the most imPortuguesetant work that can be done for God and for man. He kept a record of his prayer requests and had over 50,000 recorded answers to prayer in his prayer books
- a compelling testimony that there is a living God who answers prayer. He and his team carried out over 57 Prayer Crusades (periods of forty days and nights during which at least eight hours are invested into prayer each day). They also carried out over 80 Prayer Sieges (times of near non-stop praying that ranges from 24 hours to 120 hours). He carried out over 100 Prayer Walks of between five and forty-seven kilometres in towns and cities around the world. He authored the Prayer Power Series, a 13-volume set of books on various aspects of prayer; Supplication, Fasting, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare. He started national and continental prayer movements in Cameroon and other nations. He worked with leaders of local churches in India to disciple and train more than 2 million believers.

Pr Fomum also considered fasting as one of the weapons of Christian Spiritual Warfare. He carried out over 250 fasts ranging from three days to forty days, drinking only water or water supplemented with soluble vitamins. Having received from the Lord a specific call to overthrow principalities and territorial spirits through prayer and fasting, he was enabled to carry out supralong fasts of between 52 and 70 days in his final years.

Fomum chose a lifestyle of simplicity and "selfimposed poverty" in order to invest more funds into the critical work of evangelism, soul-winning, churchplanting and the building up of believers. Knowing the imPortuguesetance of money and its role in the battle to reach those without Christ with the glorious Gospel, he and his wife grew to investing 92.5% of their earned income from all sources (salaries, allowances, royalties and cash gifts) into the Gospel. They invested with the hope that, as they grow in the knowledge and the love of the Lord, and the perishing souls of people, they would one day invest 99% of their income into the Gospel.

He was married to Prisca Zei Fomum and they had seven children who are all involved in the work of the Gospel, some serving as missionaries. Prisca is a national and international minister, specialising in the winning and discipling of children to Jesus Christ. She also communicates and imparts the vision of ministry to children with a view to raising and building up ministers to them.
The Professor owed all that he was and all that God had done through him, to the unmerited favour and blessing of God and to his worldwide army of friends and co-workers. He considered himself nothing without them and the blessing of God; and would have amounted to nothing but for them. All praise and glory to Jesus Christ!



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